.Designed with competition shooters and pistol hunters in mind, the Lancer was optimized for range, accuracy, and stopping power. Built to SoroSuub's exacting standards, the Lancer was a sleek, modern-looking blaster pistol with a long barrel and a weighted, finely balanced stock. Firing a blaster bolt that was well out of scale for a weapon its size, it used a custom-formulated, highly volatile mix of blaster gasses and a supercharged actuating module to fire intense, highly concentrated bolts accurately over long distances. Superior galven patterns in the barrel reduced beam degradation and dispersal, allowing the pistol to maintain effectiveness well past the range of other weapons of its class.In the Outer Rim
, Lancer pistols were relatively common, especially among those who needed a powerful weapon in a lightweight package. Many speeders and atmospheric craft had one of these fine pistols tucked away in an easy-to-reach storage locker, and many starships included them in their escape pods and emergency kits as a defensive weapon. They were also especially popular among explorers